Total eclipse from the heart

Apr 02, 2009 08:47

A while ago I saw a hot guy and for some reason I started singing "Turn around bright eyes" so my friends would turn and see him (worked too- awesome) but since then I haven't been able to get it out of my head. So I'm spreading the misery of having a song put on repeat in your head...

But dudes!! The video is totally made of awesome!!!

image Click to view

I have questions thou...
1. What's but with the Lilith eyes??? Did Bonnie Tyler sell her soul to Lilith??? :O
2. Why are there ninjas in the video?
3. Why are there playing american football to this song?
4. Why are there bikers?
5. What does Bonnie want to do with the schoolboys???
6. Why are they ruining PIE??? DEAN COVER YOUR EYES!!! Oh no's.
7. Omg there are like 50 Lilith's :O Dean failed....(cuz of the lack of pie obviously)
8. looooooooooool Tarzan?????
9. LOLOLOLOLOL BONNIE HAS A CASTIEL OF HER OWN... video might just be the best one ever....bonnie tyler<3

awesome, supernatural, love

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