(no subject)

Jan 07, 2008 21:10

Today has been a weird day. Wait change that. 
Last night was a fucking pissy night. Today though AWESOME!

SO I'll start from the start.


All my fics are there and that pretty much sucks. 
I would actually be dying if i also didn't have them on a portable USB.

And dudes WTF is up with supernatural. Those Hollywood bitches need to give the writers what they want. I can't go on like this *cuts my wrists*
Oh Dean and Sammy how I miss you guys! The Christmas special....omg how I cried. My mom came in at some point and i was like GET THE FUCK OUT!

Anyway. After I noticed my laptop isn't worth a shit anymore I decided to go to bed.

And I'm having this dream ok. This AWESOME dream. Right now I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember that Brian was in it. And he was either fucking AJ. Or me.

And both pretty much makes me a happy camper, real happy. Mmmkey. 
But then- cuz obviously I have bad karma-


Dudes! I haven't had a dream like that in ages! I'm still get sad thinking about it  :0(

And the reason to why I woke up is that my Tv got turned on. And for a full on five seconds I start to panic cuz I think SOMETHING is in my room. I dunno if it's cuz I've watched SN far too many times or because I was watching Beyond right before I went to bed.

Btw- Beyond made me realize that I might believe in Heaven. But my heaven would be like reliving the happiest moment for your life. I don't think I believe in god just good and evil you know. I wonder what I think Hell would look like for me? Hearing Swedish people talk in a bad English for eternity?

I'll be good I promise!

Work has been shit loads of crazy! Everyone keeps saying "Mueve el culo". And my cute boss spanked me.


I was like "dude I'll have your handprint for three days!" though I wanted to say "again". BWAHAHHAHAHA

And my coworker asked if he could tape me as I worked. Mash says it a -and I quote- WEIRD WORKING ENVIRONMENT.
I keep saying that of course it is cuz you have to be crazy to work at Pizza Hut. Daniel says I have a dirty mind and he was going to do a test. Before he said anything my answer was 69! lol


Lookie lookie what I got from ladymadness:


I got the present you bitch!

I'll call you names cuz I'm emotional.


I opened the thing on the fucking street cuz I couldn't wait. It took me so long to get through the fudging tape I couldn't feel my hands but I kept going!

But when you get my present you'll need a fucking chainsaw!

And omg squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *tacklehugsyoufrombehind*
hhehe 'from behind'...

I don't know where to start, dude! the sweaters are AMAZING and PREFECT and fucking FIT !

did you talk to someone cuz they fit- as Ave Ventura would say- "Like a glooooooooooooooooove"

And I was jumping up and down cuz you gave me PRIESTLY! You accept my punkrock fetish!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! The love if feel for you! I wanna have your baby. Or seriously I'll help you hide the bodies! How many? Just put them in the basement.

It would be totally wrong to hump the sweaters right?

Ok...cuz I wouldn't do that.......at all.

And the cards........dude I messed the one of Jensen up a little :0(    Since I was so damn stupid and couldn't wait til I got home I read the back as the snow was falling down. So when I got home and took up the cards again I saw that some of the letters were smudged :0(

It's ok I know the words by heart *holds hand over heart and gives you sammy puppy eyes*

You bitch You totally make up for the laptop breaking and missing some Brian action!

And the best thing! I really can fucking use them! They're subtle and don't scream FANGIRL WAITING TO GET BANGED!
I'll wear one tomorrow and see if anyone recognize him ;0P

And I will forever love you for the long sleeves! You want me to be warm dontcha? *Gets tearyeyed*

If I played for the other team you should be running by now, hehe.

And I can only HOPE that my present measures up!

Shit I should tell you guys about new years too....

backstreet, jensen, omg, love, pics, work, dreams, supernatural, present, christmas

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