Jul 27, 2008 12:13
Below are the less-witty-than-oody answers to the questionaire thing that he did, but did not tag anyone for. But I, in my thankless task as an internet "time-waster" have decided to do my bit... FOR KING AND COUNTRY (yes, I know we have a queen thankyouverymuch, but she's practically off the perch, poor love. So I do it for an heir to the throne, in particular "Wills" because I think he may soon get engaged to that Kate Middleton lass who really, in essence, is his nanna. GOOD ON YA WILLSY!)
1. Which celebrity would you like to meet and why?
... shit. None of them? I realise that's rather mean but most of them are a bit... dull. and crap. Shall I say "Christian Bale" because I saw him in 'Dark Knight' today (v awesome) and you know what, he was pretty hot in that movie. But he's not allowed to talk. It'd be a 'mime meeting' (I giggle whenever he talks like Batman and can't take him seriously and I know he could talk normally but then, why bother?!)
2. What do you do before bedtime?
"Face, teeth, toilet, bed" The mantra growing up and I stick to it today. One odd thing before bed time is wash my feet. If they are dirty, I don't care how late it is, they MUST get washed because I don't want icky feet in my bed. So I do that.
And sex. :D
3. What is your favorite thing to do on a cold winter's night?
Stay in bed with my electric blanket and snuggle up to someone warm?! Basically the only constant on cold winter's nights involves a granny rug.
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
Beautiful. Aesthetically pleasing is a must (yup. Sorry Melbourne, but you're ugly.) I did like London - lots of gardens and general old things which i love... but I do remember such a feeling of bliss walking through Miraflores (part of Lima, Peru) that also rates up there.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I'm most probably an extrovert, though I have my introverted moments. But then, I'm sure that's true of everyone.
6. What gets you through those hard times?
A cry, a whinge. Seriously, as a reformed "non-crier" I always feel much much better after a big bawl.
7. Do you trust easily?
Depends. Am I going to trust a person I know when they give me lollies - I will. Stranger in the trenchcoat - not so trusting.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Have lots of sex and babies?! :p (scrap the babies part and add have a happy life!)
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Rory leaving my house. :(
It's like we've only just managed to acquire time for ourselves on Sunday's and he leaves :(
10. Do you have a good body-image?
Fairly. I'll certainly poke my belly when I've eaten too much crap and waddle around the place and catch a sight of my big arse and be in complete denial. But I suck it up and eat something! :p
11. Is being tagged fun?
I don't know... WHY DOES NOONE TAG ME!!!!!!
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Everyone is in their own way... but sorry guys, Rory's got that mantle. (He's my DREAMBOAT! ^_^ *cue vomit now*)
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Well if Oody WERE to tag me, I'd say:
lovely fellow, nice taste in jackets and wine and must tag people to show them whose boss.
15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
We watched an old 007 movie recently and the theme song was TERRIBLE but INCREDIBLY catchy (note the use of capitals to prove this point) can't remember it now though!
16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
my uggies. I've recently bought female uggies for the first time ever, and I do not love them as much... but my uggies. And my array of scarves!
17. What's better: to give or to receive?
... both.... ;)
18. What's the first thing you notice in people?
their nose. noses just stick out and they're so hard to miss.
19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
20. How often do you eat dinner out a week?
once a fortnight - depending on laziness in Lyndoch or fats
TAGSSSS: YOU! (you shouldn't have read this far. dumbass. :D)