here are lots of pictures from this week and last week...havnt really had time to update and i am trying to figure out how to use my new camera...i dont kno why these pics r so huge...they look kinda weird...but o well i suppose! i tried to shrink warned...there are many of them, and this took me 4ever
this is danielle who i just met last week...isnt she lovely
i am an amazing photographer...this is roxanne after a sneeze
max in all his baby
me at roxannes house trying to look asian...looks weird cuz we eyes r red
this was the dance last week...we got there super early cuz roxannes padres made us was very boring in the beginning
yesterday at del taco....sally thinks broken french fries are unworthy or her mastication
sarah in spanish! we had to hide the camera so ms. st john wudnt steal it
yesterday at baskin robbins. i was inside ad looking out the window when a fly attacked me...sally was on the other side of the window and caught me sneaking peaks at her..shhh...
our future swimming hole
sami and kate be4 they made love
kate staring in awe at the amount of crap that came from samis locker
kate discovers an unsightly mole with hair growing from it
"dont forget to say, 'boy those girls can blow'" is wat kate said to me at the taking of this picture....u said it kate, not me
i think this one is pretty self explanatory
super kristy strikes back
last day of school! imma miss u alice!