It's not fair. I was going back and forth between General Hospital and Studio 60, and just marveling at how bad they both were. What kills me, though, is that they shouldn't suck. They should both be highly rated critical darlings. GH was, once upon a time, and Sorkin's got TWW, Sports night, and a whole mess of great movies to his credit. Both
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Jordan never really bothered me the way she bothered a lot of people, although that might just be because I didn't bring any AP issues into the show with me. But the actual relationship between her and Danny sucked, majorly. She should never have returned his affections -- at least not so quickly -- although Danny growing more obsessed with Jordan wouldn't have seemed completely out of character for the guy. People might have kept watching the show if characters hadn't just randomly switched directions. But when BW can't save something, you know you're in danger.
I say give him back the 'shrooms. Therapy might turn Sorkin into a productive memberof society, and I don't think anyone wants that.
Yeah, the Jordan/Danny thing I blame on AP's pregnancy. I honestly don't think it would have gone that route if he hadn't been forced to write it in.
Hee! But Aaron on drugs can be scary. I just want my favorite writer to write the way he's capable of. Is that so wrong?
I still say they didn't have to use the pregnancy in that manner. I'd bet a lot of people stopped watching when he focused too heavily on the "romantic" aspects instead of on the show-within-a-show aspects. They could have strung out the Danny/Jordan relationship a lot longer, and the viewers might have stayed around to let him. So this was just a mobius strip of bad choices, maybe.
Yes, but at least Sorkin on drugs guarantees that his mind is freer! Which seasons of WW was he on them?
You're right that it didn't have to be used in that way, but I'm not sure how they could have drug it out for the audience. America still likes pregnant characters in happy, stable relationships. Whether or not they make any sense. But yes, a string of bad choices right down the line is the best explanation for how the show went off the rails.
Season 1 and 2. i.e. the shows prime.
When has Sorkin ever cared about writing what he thinks other people want, though? If he had thought to not throw Jordan and Danny together to create the intsta-family, then I really don't think any amount of pressure could have made him do otherwise. He's got such a contempt for critics and network execs, that I have to believe he just didn't think not to go this route, rather than feeling like he had to do the family thing. Does that make sense?
See? Sorkin needs his shrooms! He really does write better with them.
I don't know, he listened to John Wells and didn't advance Josh and Donna for years. Honestly, I suspect he wasn't allowed as much freedom on this project as he had been in the past. TWW bled money at times with Sorkin's scripts coming in late and over budget. Of course, sometimes that led to wonderful episodes like 17 people, which WB said had to be done on existing sets, so that they would save money. It's just a guess though. I really have no idea what would have happened if not for AP's pregnancy. It's just one minute, there was a relatively slow pursuit going on, the next he was stalking. It made no sense, and the pregnancy was the only thing that changed.
He does. I just hate the idea of wishing a recovering addict to relapse, you know? He apparently has a movie coming out at Christmas! I'll be curious to see that.
But yeah, he should just leave Islam alone. That was a mess from beginning to end. And he's never treated evangelical Christianity or Southern Baptism with much respect, either. Really, any time there's overt religious discussion, it ends poorly, so you're definitely right about that.
I thought a lot of the budget problems came in the third and fourth seasons, and that that was what led up to him finally leaving? I'm so confused now.
Oh! I don't really wish him to relapse! It's actually a really sad commentary, as you pointed out, that some of his best stuff happened while on drugs. What about when he wrote A Few Good Men or An American President? And, eee! New Sorkin movie!
There were budget problems throughout the series. It was an ongoing problem, which was part of the reason that the network got so frustrated and ultimately he left. Plus, total burn out from refusal to let others write scripts.
I'm not sure what his status with his addictions were during those movies. I don't think he was ever totally clean till after the conviction for the shrooms pre-season three of TWW, so my suspicion is that they would have been written while at least partially under the influence.
Conversations like this make me glad I never went to yeshiva. I'd have ended up even more verbally anal-retentive than I already am.
I guess I just never realized the budget stuff was there from the get-go. That's a shame, then, since it hampered his bargaining capital with the network from the beginning. And yeah, script burn out must have killed him.
That's so sad, though, that his best stuff all seems to have been written under the influence. I don't want to believe that it takes drugs to produce such amazing results. Obviously, the talent is already there. I just hope Studio 60 was enough of a wake-up call that he starts using his powers for good again.
Out of curiosity, what is yeshiva?
Well, according to him: He admits that this approach can have its drawbacks, saying "Out of 88 [West Wing] episodes that I did we were on time and on budget never, not once."
I hope this movie is good. I hope that if his philo farnsworth project ever makes it out of workshop, it turns out well (because I want to see it!). But yeah, mostly I hope he is capable of writing while sober.
Sorry! Yeshiva is religious school, mostly attended by young Jewish boys. Students study the Old Testament by reading the original text and two different rabbinical commentaries. Basically, students read three conflicting interpretations all at once, and then have to examine and make sense of them all. One of the reasons so many Jews have historically gone into law is because yeshiva training teaches them the kinds of mental skills required to be good lawyers.
Okay, that makes more sense about the over-budget thing. And I really hope that movie is good so that Studio 60 is proven to really be a fluke, rather than an example of him writing soberly.
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