Jul 05, 2004 01:26
So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to update my Live Journal. But instead of actually writing something... I'm going to copy other peoples ideas. Which weren't really theirs to begin with. I typed my "(my name) is" on Google, and recorded the results. Here. They. Are.
Gabe is God.
Gabe is my friend!
Gabe is home!
Gabe is a happy man.
Gabe is a 7 month old, 60 pound Rottweiler.
Gabe is the Babe Belle.
OMG Gabe is a nub lamer!
Gabe is known as the shop rat.
Gabe is a dedicated hands-paddler, "Power Paws for all kayaking" is his motto.
Gabe is 200 years old.
All that and more.
So basically, Wingspread. All my time. Beauty and the Beast is going rather well, and while it's not exactly a huge rush to perform, good times are had. The costuming and tech work are spectacular, and with the support of a wonderfully talented company... it ends up being quite a show. I mean, for two weeks, it's hot shit.
I'm playing Selsdon Mowbraw in the all-too-upcoming production of Noises Off. While the magnitude of the lines is without a doubt horribly overwhelming... I'm sure I'll manage. And the fact that the cast is sort of... off beat, for Children's Theatre, makes it all the more exciting. It should be a blast, provided I get my shit together and step up to the challenge. Done.
The 4th of July was nice. Some Wingspread folk and I went on up to Foothill Park to engage in a nice little picnic-like rendezvous. Then after a little while spent at home, Brit Brit, Caitlin and I attended the 9:00 showing of Fahrenheit 9/11. It was remarkable, really. The amount of cold, hard, irrefutable evidence. The footage in Iraq. The people who have been affected. It's really a lot to take in, by by god if it didn't make me hate that son of a bitch for the things he's done. If Michael Moore does nothing else, he makes you care.
So, that about does it. Hope you're all... in good spirits.
-gabriel dylan-