Physical: have been slightly under the weather the last couple of weeks.
Because of a back problem I am postponing seeing ST movie for at least another 1-2 weeks. Blech.
Mental: concentrating on keeping on foot in front of the other, breathing, really.
Emotional: Okay, from 4ish to 6ish, with a few mood swings here and there. Some fairly down days, some okayish almost fair days, a few 6 level days where I am almost decent feeling!.
Finished Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber : 5 cups of very good coffee rating. Excellent!
I am finishing The Farming of Bones by Edwige Dantiact. This is an amazing good book. Very intense. Very thought provoking.
I am also slowly wending my way through Schlesinger's Robert Kennedy this may take a little bit of a loooong while.
I am (yes I am into reading's feature, not a bug) also reading a book on California Air...will look the actual book title sometime soon and share, maybe even a's a scientific (layperson level) book.
Next book after Edwige Danticat's? I don't know!
Rewatching X Files off and on, most of the episodes, I am on Season 3, might treat myself at the end of June to Season 4 if it's inexpensive.
Watching Fringe's last season. I will soon be starting Scandal because I've seen a few articles and such about it, and Falling Skies and I will finish the Tudors sometime soon as well.
Political thoughts:
Okay, so the IRS has been nosing around liberal/leftist/socialist/libertarians etc orgs for decades, and nobody said, "oh bad President So-So, the IRS is profiling or picking on this or that person!"
At least, not so the news media keeps talking about it.
I am learning quite a bit lately about what I call triple standards-- found at work, in politics, all over.
Trivial thought:
I miss having some more icons to use, but I don't want to pay for the LJ, I am here less than 5 days a week now--I think on average, the last few months- probably 3-4 days week, and lately, more like 2-3 days.
Stop by and say howdy if anybody is still reading this, it'd be awful nice to hear from somebody, really.
edited @ 1219 June 4 for some glaring errors, and also around 10p for other errors !