In satirical tones, Stephen (with the help of his lawyer) explained that, as head of Colbert Super PAC, he now has the ability to siphon all of his PAC's remaining money to himself. Secretly. Without a need to report the funds to the IRS. Or anyone else, for that matter.
Watch Colbert "learn" that he can now use his own PAC's money in any way he wishes due to a "legal fiction":
(see video at source above)
Yes, the corrupting influence of Super PAC money in elections will remain a monumental problem going forward, so long as Citizens United remains.
However, this is one of the most corrupt and nefarious aspects of the Super PAC structure: the apparent ability for organizers to secretly "steal" and hide millions without a trace.
Citizens United hasn't just created a situation in which we've gone off the rails. The tracks don't even exist anymore.
I hope Citizens United crashed and burns and I wish to the Gods and Goddeses that every entity who did "donate" had to pay a 30% fine which when paid went to infrastructure repair, housing for the homeless, and scholarships for low income students in the states where the Super Pac came from and the states they have effected... Considering some of the warchests that I've seen mentioned- this might mean quite a bit.