A short political links post:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/05/29/1095733/-Open-thread-for-night-owls-On-Memorial-Day-Chris-Hayes-was-right The above article poses questions about what is war, what is a hero, and I guess the Right doesn’t like to pose philosophical questions that any civilization needs to pose in order to be well..civilized.
http://middleclasspoliticaleconomist.blogspot.com/2012/05/basics-us-one-of-worst-rich-countries.html This above article goes over the horrific “job” the US is doing to keep children from living a life plagued and dragged down by extreme poverty.
http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/05/29/491912/just-prior-to-fundraiser-with-birther-donald-trump-romney-releases-his-birth-certificate/?mobile=nc That kinda speaks for itself.
and something to think about in a global, feminist/womanist context…
The war on women is going on throughout the world. This is a horrendous terrorist attack meant to keep young girls from educating themselves.