Jan 15, 2012 01:22
LJ is running slower than molasses in January. Access issues. Yep.
But I am in the mood for a little fanfic, some poetry, and maybe if I can find it, a pithy political item or two.
Plus I shall do a little colorlovers and freeze to death also!
If you do visit Northern California, do not be fooled by the pleasant days! Nights are a cruel as any winter, always ranging from 30-45 degrees. Sp be sure you take layers!
The temp drops 10 degrees the minute the sun does, then another 10-20 degrees overnight.
No rain yet.
Which is possibly the refrain of most Bay area folk. Even though rain is inconvenient for the no-driver like me...it just feels "wrong" not to have rain here and there!
I hope this journal works tonight !