Mar 28, 2011 22:34
Watching: The Wire S3.
This somehow strikes me as being darker. It just feels like everybody is in "brittle" mode and just under the surface about to break, as Tara says in Buffy, they've all assumed crash positions and the politicking is a bit snakey and brutal.
Food today: oatmeal and banana, and OJ too.
Enchiladas, beans/rice.
Too much sweets today--shortbread cookie and an over indulgent godiva candy bar.
Plus an iced mocha.
Also, some milk. Yes, I am an adult and I drink milk...
Best: Little Dragon Peach Tea, Peet's bottled iced tea.
I have just 3-4 more recs on the stargatefanficrec community to do. Tomorrow I'll try to finsih off at least 2-3!
Hope I've done a decent job of starting off SGU for the community.
the wire,