Political Thinky Thoughts

Feb 26, 2011 02:58


1. President Obama doesn't have to be on the lead or in control of Libya: he is an American and not at all obligated to do anything except for ...well as I see it, try to encourage the peaceful resolution, try to keep his fellow US citizens in Libya safe, evacuated and out of harm's way.
This is for Libya's people to decide, long overdue and rife with deep deep problems that started long before Ghadafi came around.
But it is not our ( meaning the US) role to manage and finesse the Libyan situation.

2. I think the Mid-East, North Africa, the Arab world is in need of defining their selves. Sure, like everybody, they may ask or need or want some outside help--but like any culture, country, person, basically the definitions must come from within the body, soul, spirit, heart, mind, history, present, future of that culture, person, country etc and et al.

Again, the US might offer a helping hand, or a few good meals or some help in a low profile way--but they need to become their own countries...and do not need the US to even have a moderate hand in, because of the whole history of colonialism thing. Many people are very sour on the US and its history with that "colonialism" word, so might be a better thing to take a lower profile.

3. On the United States domestic side of things...I am so tired of people who think lower income people are somehow evil or lazy or didn't plan well or deserve their fate. It's such a harmful stereotype and nobody knows exactly why somebody is lower income...And I am tired of people thinking the same thing of the homeless also.

I know for a few items, not as many people would be impoverished, or lower income or at risk, or homeless if rich people were not so greedy. Greed. I think I see that as the direct reason people are in dire straits, probably 35-45 % of the time.

Promised short rant.
Will do!

politics, international, economy, domestic, rant

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