Well, I sorted what I wanted to sort, and I am feeling a bit "done" so it's kitchen in a half hour for 45 minutes and then it's game done.
For today.
Everyday I hope to follow a few basic plans and rules to chip away at my neglect of my apartment.
I seem to like a 4 pronged attack, a few different approaches when I have a longer stretch of clearing and cleaning.
Variety is a positive item.
I am none too thrilled that my neighbors seem to be all prepped up to make an impromptu partay...I wish I had a different set up in my apartment...where the quiet people would be up front, and the noisier folk in the second half of a 1 story straight line kind of make up.
These people are working up to be loud.
Why don't they move on to some pub for a couple of hours.
And here I am wandering with laundry and trash and all sweaty and middle aged and these people are drinking beer and flirting and all 20-very young 30somethings.