So, I still subscribe to the Lady Gaga: cooler on mute school of thought (sorry, sorry, I know, I'm bad), but:
1) you should all rush over to
cathybites's journal
2) you should watch this
amazing Kirk/Nero vid set to Bad Romance3) you should all fiddle the timelines and write me various AUs in which Nero is Kirk's pyscho ex from his academy days,* who then went on to head some kind of trigger-happy Romulan militia which Kirk has to hunt down. Or war breaks out and he is recalled to defend the homeland. Or they are rival mercenaries trapped in a bizarre cycle of hatesex and attempted murder.** I will accept any and all variations on this theme, as long as you are writing me fic in which Kirk and Nero hang out and shoot each other.***
*Why is there a Romulan at the academy, you ask? Well, um. Because.
**Halfway through typing this I remembered it was the arc hinted at in the Privateers pilot. You can watch it
here. The arc I just sort-of spoiled for isn't mentioned until the last part and, while I rewatch these clips more than is healthy, I can only recommend doing so if you have a highly-developed sense of humour or an under-developed sense of self-preservation, because it was shot in four days (literally!) with money the makers found down the back of the sofa (...pretty much literally, if what I remember about NZD is true!) and, as a result, is brilliant without actually being good.
***A You've Got Mail AU is also acceptable. Thank you and good night.