Oct 27, 2004 22:37
Well stuff has been good as usual. Life is treating me better now yes. Of course their are some gripes still, like not sleeping and stuff like that but meh, it's not worth complaining over. Well all I know is that this Janurary is going to be quiet busy all the way through spring. I wonder how I will be able to continue classes and such with this job. I really really hope I can do this. I wish I was doing something fun, except that I have only 10 bucks to spend right now. I had to buy 3 new suits on Monday because of a pants debacle. Long story, I'll tell if you ask. Been thinking about Karen hope her dad is ok, meh kinda feels I have lost touch with her a bit.
On a side note I should be sleeping now, I have to work early but here I am typing away at another entry. I just finished some spades games. did pretty well 5-1 tonight.
Meh Brenda was upset, I can tell. I hate feeling like I betray her. She always tells me she is fine then everything changes after that, she always assumes I am busy, then acts all funny. I don't talk a lot about her here cause I don't. She is a great mom like figure to me, and I think she is awesome. Anyways I think i am gonna try and hit the hay.