As a qualification just so everyone is aware and all the facts are out before the people. Tonight I have consumed no less than the following.
3oz rum
2oz gin
4oz whiskey
1/2oz vermouth
1/2oz Lillet Blanc
Currently consuming ~1oz absinthe.
I am firmly on the side of national health care. There are a variety of reasons for this but tonight I may have come up with the best reason of all. Japanese style game shows.
That's right. If you have never had the pleasure of viewing a Japanese style game show I will gladly share some with you.
Click to view
The is Takeshi's Casle. A game show that was edited for american audiences as MXC. This is a game show where the main goal is to not get broken or damaged by the last section of the show.
Click to view
This is known as Human Tetris.
If there is anything you may realize about these shows it should be that they are largely aimed at causing as much physical injury to the guests as possible. Now you may rightly ask what this has to do with national health care.
This is what it has to do with national health care. If we had a national healthcare system as Japan does we could have game shows where the main goal was to injure the participants. Forget American Gladiators. I'm talking full on contact physical pain game shows. Ow my Balls from Idiocracy could become a reality. This is the world we could build for ourselves. Intense physical pain would become our national pasttime. When accidental misfortune stopped being enterrtaining we could move straight on into full on masochistic entertainment. Entire blocks of time devoted to women kicking men in the nuts. Whole channels devoted to women in skin tight outfits whipping naked women chained to famous architectural monuments. Hide the Eifel tower would become a national sensation. When the male contestants started beating the female contestants the entire nation would have to confront it's sexual bias.
All of this because our game shows would no longer have to worry about their contestants injuring themselves. And when they did who would be taking care of the medical bills. We all would be and thus we would all have a vested interest in the physical damage caused to these contestants. No matter how badly they break themselves you are going to be giving the government your money. At least when these prize obsessed morons broke their spines you would know that it was for your entertainment and your tax dollars were being spent to keep you thinking you were happy. You would have some direct measureable level of enjoyment that you would receive from this sadistic show of human stupidity.
So when you hear people talking about how national health care is "socialsm" and it will ruin America then just remember if we had national health care people on that social soma that is TV would injure themselves fo your amusement.
Now I didn't get nearly as far with this as I was planning since I was distracted in multiple directions. But my point is this. If we bring about national health care wheel of fortune will be gone and in it's place will be wheel of torture. And I don't know about you but that's the America I want to see for my generations children. The inbred meth addict hillbilly fucks that they'll all be.
Sleep tight world. I'm done with my drinks and am ready to pass out while dreaming of your hopes and dreams burning to the ground. Loathe you all.