May 11, 2005 23:16
i havent updated in much has happened.
i thought things were looking up...but as usual they were looking way down.
i have two jobs...i dunno how the hell thats going to work out.
i have two proms coming up.
i love all my friends so much. and i'm almost out of school. i cant believe how much of my life has past. and i cant believe that the one person...that one person is going to be gone in a month. ive never loved anyone...i think thats what sucks about the whole situation. no matter who is going to come along, he will always be compared to him. i hope this changes. or else ill be alone for ever. my worst fear.
so me and chuck were talking again. then he started acting kinda shady. it sucks. a lot.
when am i going to find the perfect boy who will find me to be the perfect girl. i know im getting a little ahead of myself. but i really have no one. and it sucks.
in other and the city quote.
"As we grow up we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You'll have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder everytime. You'll break heart too, so remember how much you got hurt. You'll fight with your best friend and maybe even fall in love him/her. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing so fast and you'll eventually lose someone that you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too hard, and love like you've never been hurt, because every minute you spend mad or upset is one minute of happiness and joy that you will never get back"
so true.
today was the worst day of my life.
and to top it off...i ruined a really good friendship.
but like it says above...cheers.
its just one of those days where you wish you could be someone else or just like i hate to say this but just not be around any longer.
i just wish everything would fall into place.
my life has always been the better its looking the better it is i set myself up for some type of fall. whether it be family friends or a love. cause thats what my life consists of...a huge AWESOME thing and then the worst thing in the world 2 sec. later.
sleep and never wake up please.
that is all.
no family. no love. the only thing i can think of is "We got nothin to do
and I look at you
I see something that I know and love.
and with the crack of a smile
we all stay a while
we know from home
there aint nothing above.
well in the end
we can all call a friend
well that's something
that i know as true
and then a thousand years
and a thousand tears
i confide in my original crew
cuz to me throughout eternity
theres somewhere where
youre welcome to go
i said it's something free
that means a lot to me
when im with my friends
i feel home"
friends...its all i'll ever have. and all i'll ever be sure of.
sorry its so depressing. but today was depressing. aside of my friends<3
last time i'll write your name. last time i'll write this song.
Oh no
Love just leaves you bruised
If you want to know
Find something to lose
The world won't turn until something breaks
Who will make the first last mistake?
You say good things come to those who wait
Into the spiral
Your world and my world
It's never final
Love just leaves you bruised
I went because you said you'd be there
A box of candy
Smoke in your hair
I didn't know
I didn't care
Now I know
Ba ba ba ba baaaaaa
Love just leaves you bruised