Mar 12, 2006 22:02
As some of you know, I totalled my car on Thursday.
It was snowing out, the first time it has in a few weeks here. We'd been having warm weather. It started snowing mid afternoon. Because of the warmth of the pavement, it was more of a slush covered road than a snow covered road. I was heading down Town Farm Rd. heading home from work at around 7:30. I was going down a hill doing about 30, 35 mph and was going straight. I don't even know what happened, but I suddenly lost traction. I overcompensated when I tried to correct.
When I was swerving across the road, all I could think of was that I was going way too fast and seemed to be picking up momentum while sliding. It occured to me what was going to happen. I just started saying, "Bad, bad, bad, bad..." until it became a screaming, "BAD! BAD! BAD!". I then held on to the wheel and closed my eyes.
In retrospect, I think I would prefer to have had them open so I could see what really occured. I went over a small hill, drove over many sapplings, took out a tree. I was eventually stopped by some more substantial trees. All of the damaged occured on the passenger side of the vehicle. I wasn't injured in the least bit, but you can imagine the thoughts going through my head before my car came to a stop.
The rear tire had folded under, the entire right side was smashed in, as was the front bumper.
So I'm pretty grateful that I wasn't injured, and incredibly grateful that seatbelts were invented.
I picked up an 87 Saab 900 in pretty good condition today for $450.00. I'll post pics when I get a chance.