Еще один закончивший докторат нашел себе работу в Макдональдсе. Очень страдает

Dec 19, 2015 15:00

Парень закончил докторат в универе США. Не по гуманитарным наукам, а по физике!!! Я смотрю на таких людей снизу вверх - я бы такое не осилила. Но... теперь он работает в чем то типа Макдональдса. Страдает от своей работы и тупости коллег. Работу более-менее близкую к физике найти не смог - у него нет знаний, требуемых работодателями. Такие дела.
Зачем я это публикую? Видимо, что бы оправдать себя в своей лени и нежелании продолжать замороженный 100500 лет назад докторат по типа социологии... Думаю, я к нему уже не вернусь...

What is it like to have a PhD and work a low-skill job unrelated to your area of study?
Kyle Irwin

I have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics. I was raised poor, and payed for college by going into debt. I did everything the wrong way: I started at community college, changed majors from engineering to physics (engineers are too lame), and didn't start grad school until I was 27. I finished, but I got burned from of over a decade of higher learning. I didn't publish enough to get a post-doc or faculty position, but that's fine with me as I don't see how professors don't off themselves daily due to depression.

I had one decent opportunity lined up after defending my dissertation: an analyst position at a Birkshire Hathaway sister company. It would have been an easy job to do for someone who knows quantum field theory, but I didn't score high enough on the CPAB (I'm assuming) to get an offer. I learned python pretty extensively for numerical computation and visualization, but no data analysis was ever used; no databases, statistical analysis, etc. I studied renormalization group theory to explain collective behavior of interpenetrating Hubbard lattices of mixed dimensions; pen and paper calculations that need to be taken to a computer for numerical solution.

With no luck applying in finance, data science, or engineering I've had to take a job in food service temporarily. This isn't an experiment in poverty designed for character building. Working with complete idiots in an industry where I'm undervalued is extremely demoralizing. At least I have somewhere to go from here, the rest of these people work extremely hard for little pay. They get taken advantage of, are asked to do too much, and often support families on hourly pay. I can't wait to leave this all behind and start living a life with the career I've sacrificed for.
Отсюда: http://qr.ae/RbqPWw

мысли, докторат, наблюдения, учеба

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