Ok, so I definitely haven't posted anything in a billion years....partially because I've been insanely busy and also I have all this new web stuff that I have to update and maintain - including a new blog about alternative photography that I had to create for a class:
photoamazingo.blogspot.com/, and my new website:
Anyways- too much has happened lately.
Here's what's going on now:
- making an animated movie in my motion graphics class about a talking kitten who is wearing a sombrero and other accessories.
- making two animated Dunkin Donuts commercials for my motion media class. Part of this involves buying and photographing a bunch of
their drinks - then I can drink them for "research".
- making a 15 second animated bumper for a local gala event's website
- making an edition of 5 accordion fold screen-printed books for my bookbinding class. Quite possibly one of the hardest things ever
considering that all 5 have to be exactly the same and I'm messy.
- making Vessel (Sean's band) event posters for another class.
Holy crap - I'm not sure how all of this will ever get done. And I can't believe how fast time is going by.