(no subject)

Dec 11, 2009 06:00

I just spent the last hour animating the little red dog logo for my hot sauce company in Flash. So far I've got him chained up and then when the viewer releases by clicking on him he runs across the screen. Then he'll run up to his food bowl and when the viewer clicks it it will go to the next part. The viewer can then drag different food items (taco, pizza etc.) into the dogs mouth. Depending on the food item something will appear when it is fed to the dog. He'll be wearing a sombrero when the taco is fed to him, for the pizza I have him holding a soda, he'll get crazy eyes and stars around his head when the mixed drink is given to him, and so on... Then there are also the three flavors of Hell Hound Hot Sauce that you can mess with. When those are fed to his he'll breath flames and the bottle will appear in the flames with a brief description of whatever flavor was picked.

HOLY CRAP....if this turns out the way I want it will be amazing!

Last night I designed the labels for the hot sauce bottles and my professor loved them. They look so great put together. Tomorrow after class Jason's gonna help me take some professional looking pictures of them in the photo studio so I can use them in the poster ad. And the stationary looks awesome as well.

*sigh...finals are wearing me thin...I had gotten such little sleep over the last few days and around 9 last night I fell asleep instantly for the first time in what seems like forever...which is why I'm up at this ungodly hour.

Tuesday I'm giving my presentation on Voodoo and I can't wait to see how the ritual will turn out. So far most of the presentations have been really boring (although the girl who dressed up like Jesus and did a rap about his life was pretty great)...so I hope mine will be way more interesting.
Everyone better participate in the ritual...I bet there will be at least one person who won't want to but screw them. We're gonna have flameless candles to act as the bon fire and a stuffed animal that we can "sacrifice" with a butter knife. Then we'll draw our magic symbols with chalk on pieces of cardboard to attract the spirits of the dead. Then hopefully at least one person will volunteer to act possessed...they have to thrash around a bit and then talk kind of creepily and so on...I wish I could get us all some bongos or something so we could do the drumming bit. And if someone starts dancing then it will really be a success.
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