Today...the date is...
July 7th, 2007...07-07-07...
and today when I got the mail, I got
My copy of
SE7EN's 747 concert~ ooooooh, shiny~ *-* (Concert DVD+bonus DVD+Photobook)
Lucky day, yes?
The whole day I was like, hmmm, I should get the mail, I feel like it'll be here today...but then I think, well... yesasia said shipping would take 9 days and it'd get here on the I didn't go get the mail...
but when I did...there it all it's bubble-wrapped glory. =]
I didn't even realize until about an hour ago that I got SE7EN's 747 DVD on 777 =]
HIIIIII Sexy Se7en~ This was seriously the most amazing moment of the concert. And it seriously had nothing to do with the fact that his shirt was open and he was wet. His performance was just amazing.
My mom likes him too. She watched it with me and said he was pretty~ and handsome~ My mom WINS. =]
Yes. Buy this DVD, for it is AMAZING.
I think to celebrate this joyous occasion, I will make a Se7en pimp should be ready in, like, a week. Coz I need time to fangirl excessively over this DVD.
I leave you all with a video clip of the 747 concert...SE7EN performing Brian McNight's "One Last Cry":
[Download Here] Let's all fangirl over his voice. *wibbles* omg, his voice~ So pretty~
*hugs all, for I am exuberant =]*
This post barely made it before midnight 07-07-07!!!