Getting back into this posting biznass [~dynamite~]

Jun 21, 2009 10:56

lol, my friend just updated her facebook upon arriving in Seoul: "...went to a house club with siiiick music, found out that korean boys are so FREAKING GAY cause they're the biggest attention whores and dance on top of tables & whatevs....the guys here are so gay. i want to punch them all for having vaginas" honey, I could have told you that, but damn, I really want to go clubbing in Korea now, hahaha.

anyways. things that have amused me lately:

- A'ST1's Dynamite MV. I know I'm about a billion years late, but this song is hella catchy and I love it. Also, relearning names, because even though I really loved them during the whole ~scandal~, I totally forgot they existed for awhile.
- ok, learning names was not that hard. It took a grand total of a minute. after suju, anything is really easy-peasy.
- Taylor Swift. I knew I loved this girl for a reason she's not a complete disney airhead. yes, i have a strong hatred for miley cyrus and jobros. The best part of the video is TPain's BIGASSCHAIN.
- dynamite~dynamite~dynamite~dynamite~dynamite~dynamite~randomkorean~dynamite. yanno, it's odd how the constant repetition of one word can be so damn catchy.

Also, planning to make Top Combine pimp post soon. Like, stage 3 of planning. That means I'm writing things out in my head and collecting youtube clips. Which means that there is a hmmm, 60% chance of this thing actually happening, lol. Maybe more, because I really love these boys and think that the whole world needs to love them too.

Moving back to LA tomorrow. Not looking forward to "packing", even though most of my stuff is already at the apartment I'm staying at for the summer. The place is shitty, btw. It's my friend's place, so I'm subletting it for her while her ass is in Shanghai, enjoying the pretty boys and yummy food. Bitch. It says bad things about the place if 1) they come to the dorms to do their laundry because their laundry room is groce and 2) if I barely visit and even I know that a good kick is all it takes to force open the door. D:

and I'm going to be staying there for 3 weeks. ALL. BY. MYSELF. (after my roommate for the first 3 weeks moves out) *is scared but also pleased* will work on pimp post there, where I'll have internet that's not, yanno, ganked from my neighbors *shifty eyes*
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