More game minireviewss

Jul 12, 2008 21:27

The World Ends With You: DS action RPG. Fun, even if I'm a wuss and ignore the top screen 90% of the time.
Dungeons and Dragons, 4th edition: The new D&D. Combat is better, other stuff less so, though I'm not sure if that's the fault of the game or playing with an entirely different group of people from normal.
El Grande: Eurogame about influence in the provinces of medieval Spain or something. I actually won this one on my first play, which doesn't usually happen. I think most games on that level of complexity need about two plays to properly evaluate, but I wouldn't mind playing it again.
Fairy Tale: Japanese card game with drafting rules and stuff. I think I could push it on people I know who are into anime and whatnot.
(And some more I'm forgetting, probably)
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