Okay, so I've asked
the sex question, and the responses were fascinating -- more people than I've expected admitted not to liking reading about it, gave some excellent valid reasons (connection between sex and abuse in so many people's minds, wrong mood, dissonance between author and reader), which in turn makes me wonder, if "sex sells," then who's buying?
Now on a different topic, here is a somewhat followup question in a similar format, this one about love.
My question is, why do some of you (you, being the general audience, no one in particular), really dislike reading stories about love?
This is another thing I don't get, considering that it seems that love is a central part of the human experience.
And when I mean love, I am NOT talking about sex this time (that was the previous question), so please treat this as an asexual, platonic, emotional-involvement-only question.
And an addendum question, what is it that makes people not want to read about relationships and how can that be considered boring, and why it is treated as "chick stuff" and so many men seem to be embarrassed to be interested in love? What makes testosterone-laden macho aggression seem incongruent with warm feelings in many of our societies? Do they have to be mutually exclusive?
What do you think?