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Dreams of the Compass Rose by Vera Nazarian
Available now, and will be for 90 days, in its entirety, as a">FREE download, in various e-book formats from">Smashwords, and other online retailers.">Download your FREE E-book now!
Available Formats:
Epub, Kindle (.mobi), PDF, RTF, LRF (Sony Reader), Palm Doc (PDB), Plain Text
Free download period ends September 15, 2010.
NOTE: Copies downloaded during the free period will remain yours permanentlycompletely free-of-charge, without any DRM restrictions, to be enjoyed on your various reading devices.">Press Release
Limited Time Promotion!
Dreams of the Compass Rose
by Vera Nazarian
Available now, and will be for 90 days, in its entirety, as a
FREE download, in various e-book formats from
Smashwords, and other online retailers.
Download your
FREE E-book now! Available Formats:
Epub, Kindle (.mobi), PDF, RTF, LRF (Sony Reader), Palm Doc (PDB), Plain Text
Free download period ends September 15, 2010.
NOTE: Copies downloaded during the free period will remain yours permanentlycompletely free-of-charge, without any DRM restrictions, to be enjoyed on your various reading devices.
Press Release Please spread the word on this free giveaway!