Anita Blake Essay Sale - ARDEUR edited by Laurell. K. Hamilton

Jan 28, 2010 20:38

It can finally be announced...

The essay sale I made last year was of my essay "Death's Got Your Back: When Edward and the Big Bad Heavies Are on Your Team" to the SmartPop anthology Ardeur: 14 Writers on the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series edited by Laurell K. Hamilton (with Leah Wilson), coming in April from BenBella Books.

The official announcement is here...

And Laurell K. Hamilton herself talks about it here, about writing the introductions to our essays, and and brings up my essay in particular (without naming names):

They say things like, "I'm sure the writer was giggling when she wrote this." I can't remember exactly which essay that was from, but I clearly remember thinking I didn't find the incident funny, I found it frightening. Oh, it was about Anita's interactions with Olaf in SKIN TRADE. Maybe the essay writer meant that nervous giggle that you do when you're half-scared and half-intrigued, but either way I never find Olaf giggle worthy. I find him frightening, and confusing, and intriguing as a character, but not funny.

Yes, that was me, guilty as charged. :-)

What can I say, I have a sick sense of humor. I tend to giggle when things get frightening. And the scarier things get, the more I laugh. It happens when I read scary stuff, and when I write it.

So... that's the reaction that would have come most naturally to me as writer of any such scene between Anita and Olaf, but of course we, each one of us, can only assume these things to the extend that we ourselves would make them. :-)

Furthermore, this is not meant in any way to downplay the seriousness or horror of Olaf the serial killer character -- it is only my own reaction to the horror in general. And yeah, a bit of assumption and transference going on here on my part (with all highest respect for the author). Indeed, the manner in which Vera Nazarian might write the same horrific scene is different than the way Laurell K. Hamilton does it, and that's a good thing, a personal thing, and there's room for both.

In any case, you can read an excerpt from my essay "Death's Got Your Back" here, plus other people's very intriguing essays here.

All in all, this is a fascinating book of essays, not just for hardcore Anita Blake fans but for all who want to delve deeper into the vampire popular phenomenon.

anita blake, anthology, laurell k. hamilton, vampire, benbella books, sale, vampire hunter, essay

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