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Your result for The Heart Test...
Heart of Gold
You are 80% Independent, 70% Idealistic, 60% Intimate, and 80% Indulgent!
The Heart of Gold
Independent, Idealistic, Intimate, Indulgent
You are the most loving of hearts, the Heart of Gold. You possess all the most loving qualities, intimacy, the desire for closeness, and an idealistic view of love. At the same time, you are not bound by love, and so stand on tall on your own. You know you will find love and aren't worried about not acquiring it - it is only a matter of time, and you are happy in the meantime waiting. You are the purest of all hearts, loving and self-assured, as complete and whole as a heart can be.
Matches for the Heart of Gold:
The Slave to Emotions The Slave to Emotions values all your ideals of love, but is more dependent on it than you are. This if okay for you, because though you're independent, you also want to be loved and being loved so much makes you happy. The Slave will definitely appreciate you for loving them, and you will appreciate them in the same way, making for a very strong match.
The Heart on Sleeve The Heart on Sleeve is idealistic and intimate, just as you, but desire love and is more prone to want conflict. But being the loving type that you are, you can put up with this,k as you know their true nature, and will come to respect them for not holding back their true emotions.
Your exact opposite is
Soldier of Fortune.
Avoid Realists, who may not live up to your ideal standards, and perhaps Explicits if they do not live up to your ideals of love, but there are few types you don't get along well with.
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