Aug 26, 2016 10:56
It's been years. I've been thinking about having a creative outlet again. Incredibly so, sometimes we have to step away, if even for years, just to come back to something even more fervently. I've been somewhat exhausted by the mental capacity my career in technical writing takes up. Most days I'm lucky to want to stare at a wall when I get home.
Lately I've been thinking about the feeling of rejection. Not that it resonates with me personally at the moment. Now that I'm nearing 30, I'm seeing a lot of my friends already completing one full cycle of getting married and now divorced, which I know is completely plausible. I, however, still don't feel like I've been here long enough to make decisions which dictate the course of your life's dealings with another person. I do just well enough to manage expectations for myself, and a significant other, but not enough to decide if this is the course of my actual life, like until the end. Are your late 20's when most people begin to face their own mortality? It's freakin' me out.
Not that I would call this a life crisis by any means. It's more like a quiet observation. Kinda like, huh. Yep, that will happen someday. I see it, and it will happen. Weird.
Back to rejection. When it comes to relationships, albeit romantic or platonic or familial, people everyday are feeling rejected. This could be minute or major, doesn't matter. More times than not, we see people getting rejected and going back for more. Reading between the lines instead of looking at what the person rejecting you actually said. I've done it, and I know the people around me do it. What does this text mean? What is the subtext, of that text?
When truthfully, it means nothing more than what it actually says, and even if it does, if the person isn't saying it to you then it means they may never act on what that actual meaning is. So why do girls always go after the bad guy who rejects them every time? Or the guy staying with the girl who blows him off all the time and plays games? Simple. It's selfish. We're all only plugging away at failed relationships for one reason - to prove to someone else, instead of ourselves, that we are good if they would just take the time to get to know us.