So I found these pics of me and Wendy when we were in Japan. We had a day where we just got lost just to get lost and It was the best day almost of my entire life next to meeting Dir en grey. But anyways, the whole time I stood in Japan namely Tokyo, we did like print club pics maybe 4 or 5 times. And I just so happen to find one set that I believe was our first set.
So Here they are, as sad as they make me to see them just cuz I miss Tokyo so much, I wanna post them cuz It's one of the few pics I took that I actually like alot.....aaaaaaaaaand I think hell just froze over 0_0
PICCU 1: ...............yeaaaaaaaaaa iono bout this one
PICCU 2: I like the random-ass sheep over my head.XD
PICCU 3: Wendy (my friend) decided to put a bow in my hair cuz apparently I needed to be more girly >_>
PICCU 4 : The best shot I think........