Re: Hawaii Five-0 and fic
"How was your vacation with Catherine on the battleship?"
This line. THIS SPECIFIC LINE reminded me of why I liked this show in the first place. It's soooo... Danny. He's just the best.
Also, O'Laugh lost some weight or something because his eyes are HUGE lately, and they are shaped like hearts for Scotty Caan. <3_<3
AND, I'm really really happy Cath is back. At least some of the time, AND, it makes me want to request/write some Steve/Danny/Cath fever!fic for ariadnesstring's Running Hot in April. Cuz you know, all H50 fic I write is fever!fic. ;)
Re: Justified and fic
It's on tomorrow!
I've been breaking my brain on three WIPs at once for Justified. It is crazysauce and I really don't want to do it again any time soon. But life has been weird and I've been needing a lot more sounding board type attention rather than straight up beta work for some reason lately.
Also, I am thinking about doing a Justified fic exchange like starting this spring with a deadline a few weeks after the finale??? Is anyone interested in this? I'd like feedback now, but I'll do an official poll and advertise it sometime soon if I get some interest.
Re: Fringe and fic
I am SO SAD that there won't be any Fringe again for four weeks. So sad.
Also, thanks to the lovely
monanotlisa , I've got some new motivation from my not!abandoned alternate fringe secret santa fic. Also, thanks to her early beta, I'm liking it a lot more, like a LOT more and I'm excited to finish... once I do some more sounding board stuff, because apparently I can't write without it. D:
Also, apparently another WIP. UGH. I'm much better when I just work on one thing at a time. :<
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