+ Awesome things found while rearranging/cleaning my room:
Fortune Cookie fortune that says "It can't rain all the time."
Post-it notes of plot points from my alas-still-unfinished Inception fic!
Scrap paper with an idea for a fringe fic I totally forgot about!
A box full winter-wear that I totally forgot where it was under my bed!
+ Not so awesome things I found:
A shit load of dust!
Piles of q-tips that the cats in this house seem to looove fishing out of the trash cans. :(
Some dead stink bugs, boo!
+ In other news, apparently I am only posting on Tuesdays now??? Maybe things will pick up later this week.
+ Haven't heard back on the job front yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
+ I finished the (hilariously!) middle chapter of the last fic in my slash AU series. Don't ask me about chapters one or three, I don't even know what's going to happen. ><
+ Today, I watched some back episodes of White Collar (which as of tonight I will be only two eps behind instead of three) and Hawaii Five-0 (for which I am CRAZY!behind). I have opinions about these shows, mostly that I am falling out of love with them, and fast) that I will reserve for another post.
+ I want to write for the porn battle... but I am feeling unmotivated. I have an idea for a fringe fic, based on a lovely prompt, but I decided to rearrange my room today instead of writing. >_> Motivate me?
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