it's hard to dance with a devil on your back

Nov 14, 2011 22:13


Listening to Florence + the Machine's new album... which is like a month or two old by now, I think.  I'm going to have lots of lyrics ready and raring for post titles, fic titles, and fic prompts.

Whatever, Pretension, indulging you is what fan fiction is for in my book.

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I need Boyd fic to/about this song ASAP.  (>_ ( Read more... )

music to write by, nano, boyd crowder is the saddest boy

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Comments 10

dragonsheart21 November 15 2011, 04:25:51 UTC
It came out on Nov 1st in the states, I'm really enjoying it. Two of the songs were singles What the Water Gave Me has been out for awhile and Shake it Out was released just a little while before the rest of the cd.


norgbelulah November 15 2011, 04:29:22 UTC
Yeah, I downloaded it a few weeks ago, but I've been listening to a ton of bluegrass lately for fic purposes, so I just got around to listening.

Still not actually all the way through the album, I keep stopping and starting over...


redbrunja November 15 2011, 11:08:57 UTC
I love this song so much. And What The Water Gave Me is also ridiculously excellent.


norgbelulah November 15 2011, 15:02:58 UTC
True facts. :D


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norgbelulah November 15 2011, 15:06:11 UTC
Well, it's not done yet. Also, I'm going out of town from Thursday to Saturday so I really don't know how that's going to work out...

Yay! Boyd! :D


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norgbelulah November 15 2011, 16:42:24 UTC
It's a good one, bb.


ozmissage November 15 2011, 16:30:00 UTC
Florence's lyrics make the best fic titles. And her songs make the best vids. Honestly, the lady is gift to fandom at large. :D


norgbelulah November 15 2011, 16:43:08 UTC
Honestly, the lady is gift to fandom at large. :D

So, so true. I'm pretty ready for all this inspiration. :P


iluvtheukoffice November 17 2011, 00:18:07 UTC
That's awesome re: your NaNo goal! Congrats!

I got the new Flo album last week, but I picked up a bunch of other music at the same time. Been diving into Dum Dum Girls, Jessica Lea Mayfield, and Warpaint first, but I will get to it.

Are you familiar with Anna Calvi's music? If not, I definitely recommend checking it out. Her album has a pretty unique sound, but kind of reminds me of a blend of Florence and Nick Cave.


norgbelulah November 17 2011, 00:30:32 UTC
Well, the goal hasn't been reached yet, and I'm about to be waaay more behind due to traveling this weekend. :<

I have wanted to get into the Dum Dum Girls, but I keep forgetting to seek them out when looking for music.

I am not familiar w/ Anna Calvi, but I will try and remember to check her out too. I'm really only cursorily acquainted with Nick Cave via my sister, but I love some of his songs, particularly The Ship Song, which is beautiful.


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