
Oct 30, 2011 18:40

So tomorrow is National Novel Writing Month, as I'm sure many on my flist know.

I've never felt like I had the extra time to crank out 50,000 words during the month of November since I first heard about the challenge several years ago.  It was college, then a stressful job, then grad school, then frantic job searching.

This year, now that I am no longer in school and fairly gainfully employed in my actual factual profession, I definitely have the time, but I am really not there with a good plot idea for a novel.  Also, I have recently committed to some exchanges and gift fic challenges that I really should be working on, you know, before they are due in December.  So, I have compromised with myself and decided that this year I will shoot for the 50,000 word count requirement in short story/fan fiction form.

So, look out for fic explosion, I guess...actually, scratch that.  Most of what I'm working on right away is for people and to be revealed in December.  But, I think I'll be posting pretty regularly throughout the month anyway, if how much I was around in October is any indication.

Also, Good Wife tonight!  Please, please please, give me more Cary Agos... and Kalinda and Eli... just, everyone, okay?

nano, writin' up a storm

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