1. Comment with "the odds are ever in your favor."
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each.
redbrunja gave me 'A'.
1) Ava Crowder - Justified. Surprise, surprise, I start here. Let me tell you, in season one I was not wild about Ava. I actually just rewatched the first three episodes because I finally convinced my brother that watching Justified was a GREAT idea. And I found that I had totally forgotten how strong Ava comes on to Raylan in the very beginning. In a way it's like, creepy strong. I think this is why I didn't like her. Also, in that most of the time Raylan is interacting with her (ie all the sex) I just keep thinking about what a bad idea it is, even if she' smokin hot AND it makes the show double interesting because it gets Boyd out of jail. However, my general dislike of her has done a complete 180. I think her character arc through season one was kind of wonderful in its sadness. She pretty much learns that no one is going to come in on a white horse and make her life better. It's her choices that make problems for her and it's her choices that fix them. In season two we only see her growing more confident in this fact and her growing attachment to Boyd is a subtle, subtle thing of beauty. Lately, I think she's one of the most interesting characters on a show full of ridiculously interesting characters and I can't wait to see what she does next.
2) Amy Pond - Doctor Who. I LOVE Amy Pond. I'm so glad that Moffett loves the idea of someone growing up between visits from the Doctor and have it be a lifetime for them and only minutes for him. He did it once in the Girl in the Fireplace to great emotional affect, but the arc of Amy Pond and the Doctor is just EPIC and so much like some kind of fairy tale it makes my heart hurt. ALSO I love Rory, I love that Rory loves Amy and that Amy (despite her cold feet and her crush on her childhood hero) loves Rory. Married couple in the TARDIS FTW! <3
3) Astrid Farnesworth - Fringe. Astrid has the toughest fucking job in Fringe division, she has to look after Walter, she has to set up his crazy experiments, and clean them up, AND she always gets left behind when exciting stuff happens...BUT she never complains! This is why she's amazing and I love her. I really want to see the writers give her some nice backstory or a nice love interest or something, because goddamnit she deserves that!
4) Anna Milton/Anna - Supernatural. I am SO TIRED of the ladies of Supernatural being awesome and then getting killed off in some kind of crazy way in some random episode. Anna was the one female death in a show strangely full of ridiculous female character deaths that really pissed me off. She started out as this person the boys needed to help, and I liked her then I thought it was a neat idea, I liked her when she was an Angel, I kind of shipped her with Dean because let's face it, they did have A LOT in common and she's kind of a badass. But then they took her completely off the deep end FOR NO REASON and just got rid of her, wither because they didn't know how to fit her into the end of the story OR they could afford her actress anymore. I'm not sure which it was, but BOO writers of Supernatural. Anna did not deserve that shit.
5) Adam Milligan - Supernatural. Speaking of characters on Supernatural who DID NOT deserve what they got, and whose name starts with an "A." Poor Adam! WTF writers/Winchesters?! First, this kid has an absentee father, then DIES because of what John Winchester did in his town, THEN gets resurrected for the apocalypse, THEN gets worn around by Michael, THEN GETS THROWN INTO HELL?! AND HE"S STILL THERE? Jesus. I cannot imagine a shittier or shorter life. And this, in a show full of WINCHESTERS, I think Adam's story is the freaking saddest.
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