darkness is a harsh word, don't you think?

May 02, 2012 22:30

 A real live update.  For really real.

+  My vacation was awesome, but really busy, so I don't quite feel rested.  I'm a little daunted by how much I seem to be working during the next month or so, too.  Ho hum.  I'll be fine.

+  Beta matching for nvrleaveharlan's fic exchange just went out.  Save for one person who I need to check if they still want/need one.  If you are participating and follow this journal, if you did not get an email about a beta, let me know please.  Submission information will *fingers crossed* hopefully be up at the end of this week or early next week.

+  I actually did start my exchange fic, but my brain is AGAIN dominated by Take Care of You, which is making it annoying slow going on the stuff that actually has deadlines.  It doesn't help that I kind of want to rewatch some episodes, but I'm having a hard time finding the time lately.  :/

+  I think I'm going to participate in the 100 things meme that's going around.  My plan is to do single fic recs from my "awesome" tag at pinboard.  I don't rec fic enough.  I plan to make myself write at least 100 words about why I loved the fic.

+  The second round of the Running Hot fever fic meme is going to be happening THIS WEEKEND.  Get pumped everyone!  Fever fic is the best fucking fic of all!

+Con.txt is a thing I'm doing.  If you're on the east coast and have time/monies, you should think about it.  There might be a Justified panel.  You should decide to go soon and get your vote in for that panel.  I volunteered to mod.  Yes, I did.  :D  Also, I need a roomie, but I'm sort of avoiding the roomie request boards for personal reasons.  Man, that sounds vague, but, I'll explain in comments if anyone's interested.

That's all I can think of for now.  How are you, flist?  Sorry I been gone so long.  <3

This entry was originally posted at http://norgbelulah.dreamwidth.org.
Comment at Dreamwidth.

epic!au, mysterious justified exchange, news!time, fever!fic is the best fic, con.text!, update

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