Too many acts, too hard to follow...

Apr 09, 2012 00:05

+ Can I have Five Acts all the time?  I'm having a really hard time narrowing it down to five.  :<

+ I can't articulate how awesome so many parts of Mad Men were tonight.  Ask me about it in the comments and I will squee to you.

+ I may have gotten back into Suits fic, because of this gem.  It's a WIP, reced by the Slash Report girls.  I love it so ( Read more... )

lawyer'd show, news!time, give a girl a prompt?, five acts, everybody dies in westeros, recs, slash report, suits

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frahulettaes April 9 2012, 05:03:54 UTC
I know it would absolutely not work for this fandom, but I've always had a soft spot for "fuck or die". How could you even do that in Harlan?


norgbelulah April 9 2012, 14:23:12 UTC
I was thinking about putting that one on my five acts list!

Also, it's a crack prompt. I can just throw some aliens in there or something... :P

You got a pairing in mind?


frahulettaes April 9 2012, 15:49:19 UTC
Raylan/Boyd. Or Raylan/Tim? I'm mostly here for the boys.


norgbelulah April 9 2012, 18:46:48 UTC
Man, that one might be fun with Raylan/Tim.

I'll just have to slowly work my way through the crack!fic trope canon with those two, starting at undercover in a gay bar and ending who the hell knows where.... :D


frahulettaes April 9 2012, 18:52:57 UTC
It's odd because as much as I think Raylan/Boyd just eats the screen, I definitely get more heat and chemistry coming off Raylan/Tim. I'd totally read them.


norgbelulah April 9 2012, 20:56:01 UTC
I will forever be a Boyd/Raylan girl in my heart of hearts because I cannot get over the backstory. It's obvious their shared history is so rich and so fraught (even without the slash) just from the way the actors play the characters interacting.

That said, I am way more into Tim/Raylan lately because of the adorable/sexy banter the writers have been giving them this season. They're perfect for casual/playful comment porn.

I'll reserve all my angst for Boyd/Raylan.


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