Nov 29, 2009 21:10
hope everyone this side of the 49th parallel had a fantastic thanksgiving weekend! actually cooked my first thanksgiving dinner along with the wife. i managed to not ruin stuffing, turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, and i think that's all i made this time around. whew!
so on two different occasions while under the influence of the medication i'm taking, i realized that i was getting irrationally irritated at things that normally don't irritate me. or rather, things that would mildly irk me normally that i would just let slide off and not worry about. it definitely had an impact on my mood during those periods of time. granted, it happened twice. but that's twice more than i normally experience. i'm not sure what it means but it's been reported to the doctor.
our appointment is still on for this coming friday for an adjustment in the medication. i'll find out in a day or two if he is going to extend the current prescription i'm on to last until friday (currently i'm good for monday and tuesday). i don't have a preference either way and i'll submit to his suggestions.
on saturday, i sat down to transcribe two songs that Smash Brothers will be playing at magfest this coming year. i'd been wanting to do them for a long time but couldn't get myself to buckle down and work through the tedium of doing so. transcribing an existing song into midi doesn't sound difficult at all but it's sometimes boring. and every time i wanted to do it i would find something else to do. so saturday, i took my medications in the morning, washed the rest of the dishes from the night before while i waited for it to kick in, then sat down and was able to finish the first one without really stopping. i was able to occasionally distract myself with a break by checking on IRC and having a short conversation here and there and then get right back to it rather than flitting away to something else.
that's a new experience!
i'd love to be able to harness that more often. (: just not sure what to make of the irritability... hopefully with the knowledge of it i can figure out how to control it.
that is all for now. an adjustment on friday and then a weekend to see what said adjustment feels like. could be interesting!
-= george =-