*Growl* *Snarl*

Apr 02, 2013 21:57

I'll come over here and rant for a while.

I'm tired of Facebook. No, not the company. The amount of mindless linking that a handful of friends have been doing. "Share" is too easy. And I'm tired of seeing crap about how anything related to industry is evil and horrible and ruining their life. Too much faceless hate, not enough respecting differences and really identifying the things that do have to be changed. It's an all-or-nothing world, especially with the populist crowd that pretends to teach "diversity". Well, their version of "diversity" feels an awful lot like "You can be different the way we are but not the way you are".

You know, normal crowd psychology mass thinking. Please repeat after me the non-conformists oath....

But I like them as people. And I would like to know what goes on in their lives. So.... It has become divide, divide, divide into lists.

And come over here where it's rather too quiet to type things out and rant.

I am so tired of this political environment of no compromise, straight-forward discussion and agreement. Always the hidden hand, the "gotcha" moment. Slide things past the public because you can. Agitate the populist mob to hide the evil you're doing behind the scenes, the not-quite-legal hubris you're perpetrating in the name of "good governance".

That is, after all, what politics has always been.

But it keep slopping over into creating screaming Parisian mobs rampaging around and pointing fingers and calling everyone they see a bunch of Reds. Constantly stoked by political consultants of all stripes and flavors.

It's why some of us just get quieter and quieter, because there's simply no point in saying anything sometimes.
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