not so silent resignation.

Mar 11, 2008 08:42

Perhaps my words will not be understood, I am fine with that, if that be the case, I just need to get this off my chest. You may not agree with me on principle, but you don't have to. This is my point of view, and while it lasts, I am still entitled to it.

There is a monster loose in this world. We have fought against its kind thousands of miles from our shores, and on our own soil. Millions of patriots and true believers have died to stop monsters like this from inhabiting our world. There is a perversion of truth being forced upon others, a drive to conform to the standards of a fascist regime that can no longer really be called anything else. Forcing other nations to conform to a moral and ethical judgment based on the religious leanings of its leadership, it has forced the removal of any real freedom and gotten away with it. We have become a monster ladies and gentlemen. No semantics here, no gentle language. We are the monster, it is US. Complacency, patience and hope no longer serve us, but serve those in power who do not serve the ideals of our nation. To the world at large, we are monsters, fascists and dictators, choosing what is right and best and just for the rest of the world. I am not talking about the obvious military incursions into other sovereign nations to force our ideals upon their people, I am talking about forcing free nations, allies, and other distinct cultures to conform to our idea of what is right. It is purely principle i am speaking of here, not personal tastes or practices.

Amendment I:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The freedom to speak your mind. Gone. Redress grievances to the government? You can not protest anywhere near the president anymore. Not only this, but the right to speak your mind without retribution by posting anonymously online in forums and discussion groups is threatened by a Fox News watching Kentucky senator who wants to know the real name and home address of everyone who posts anything online (yes ladies and gents, Noreaster would be gone, and replaced by my full legal name) which denies the exploration of personal thought in a safe fashion, and would fully prevent anyone from posting to a group asking questions about faith or sexuality, because they would have to post their full names, allowing real world bullying to take place instead of the potential online bullying this moron is thinking he will prevent. Lobbying a 1000 fine against a website that protects freedom of speech is absurd, but going forward because of this culture of fear that exists. I may not agree with what is posted on various anonymous posting sites, but they should have the freedom to speak their mind. Its bad enough that the people in power are shielded from the voice of the people, but now they seek to divide us even from our selves. This is precisely how fascist regimes come to power, by creating divisions in the power base of the populous. Hitler did it, now our own government is doing it.

As i said previously, i do not agree with the material being censored, nor do i agree that organizations like Unicef are forcing policy changes that are moral in nature on other nations. What bothers me most in this is the fascist nature of the force applied to other sovereign nations by US based organizations and by our government. WE decided it was wrong, so its wrong everywhere. Wow. Where do I begin with that logic.. Moral judgments based in religious dogma forcing policy changes in other nations..If, in order to receive any oil at all, the US had to conform to Muslim practices with regards to women and punishment, what would happen? Now, an Aid organization is involved in the formation of legislation to enforce its ethics in another nation.

Amendment II: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The freedom to bear arms to defend your way of life. Gone, unless you are serving the government in its war on 'terror'. How does that work if we choose to rebel against our governing body when the state chooses freedom over oppression? When the insurgents are the lawmakers and senators elected under law are the ones breaking the law? Even better, more news from the south: Now they will host live hostage events at airports and schools to test readiness, like its a fire drill.. Maybe its just me, and my refusal to live in fear of my own country, but this sort of thing cannot be tolerated. What next, detonating a nuke to see if we duck and cover?

The freedom of religion. Gone, Unless you are southern Christian denomination. I don't even want to start with this violation. Refusal of aid to the dying unless they follow a Christian dogmatic health system.. (Bush's ABC plan to reduce AIDS in Africa came with that rider, the agencies would LOSE their funding and have to pay it back IF they taught anything other than abstinence first to people in sub-saharan Africa...)

I want my nation back. I want it back now, and I want us to make restitution to the nations we have harmed. We cannot be allowed to be the police of the world, there are organizations for that, and even they do not enforce moral doctrine on their participants. No nation has the right, mortal or divine, to force itself on another. Thats why the US exists. We were being overtaxed and driven as slaves, and we voted for freedom. We freed our slaves, only to enslave the entire nation to this dogmatic shift at the start of the new millennium. I am not liberal, democratic or republican. I am Independent, even of the party so named, because I vote my conscience and engage the process as an empowered citizen of the Former United States of America. If the warning cry of this missive fails to reach you, then let me quote some prophetic words so it can be clear:

"First They Came for the Jews"

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

-Pastor Martin Niemöller

It does not matter what the issue is at its fundamental level, the principle remains the same, in that we have violated our own rules, broken our most sacred laws and done so under the banner of 'In God We Trust'. The first right we gave all peoples in this nation was the right to choose how they worshiped, if they did at all. Never mind the irresponsible press that literally has been inventing stories to garner ratings (You heard me Fox News, yes I am talking about you) and tried to pass it off as life threatening.The media needs regulation, just like science does, or we risk destruction from unbridled imagination, untempered by fact or wisdom. Consider me an idealist, i consider myself a true patriot, patriotic to the Truth we held self evident, that ALL of MAN was created equal. Imbued with the power to reason for itself, to make its own judgments and self regulate. I want my nation back, I want WE the PEOPLE and a government BY the PEOPLE and FOR the People to return to this land, because it is clearly not here anymore. If a people are imprisoned by force of arms or fear, then those people should rise against those forces and show the few, that the MANY are the ones who have the power, and that is only by trust that the FEW were given power to begin with. Trust that they would speak for us, fairly and equitably, and in failing that, would lose the trust and the power given by that trust. We cannot afford to sit idly by, our noses to the grindstone that makes us blind to the actions of those given power, we cannot afford to allow them to speak for us, when they use the language of intolerance in our names. We are the ones who gave them power, so it must be WE who take it back from them. Vote in this election, vote your conscience, and please, if my words have reached that last inch of patriotism in you, Vote for a return of The United States of America, and an end to religio-fascist government. We cannot afford to allow intolerance to be the motto of our foreign and domestic policy any longer. For after they have taken away the freedom to speak, the freedom to live any life that does not support the systems in power will be denied to us. Make a choice, make a change, take back the power they have stolen, and raise your voice this November to end the enslavement of our people, and the bullying of the world.
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