Apr 08, 2009 13:03
This is not spring weather!!! GRRRR Oh well, I'm not planning on shopping for Spring clothes until May anyways. I will also be shopping for a new computer. FINALLY. So May is shopping month for Stacey :) It will also be a stress reliever month to recoup from this God awful semester. Pedicures anyone??
Well I still have a shitload of work to do. I took next monday off of work to have some extra time to myself and my internship hours won't be 20 a week like they have been for the past couple of weeks. I hope I can get everything done, and do it well at that.
I decided to only take 2 classes this summer and to work only part time come the fall semester. I'll drop down to 22 hrs a week.
Going to go on a "trip" with my cousin, aunt, and mother sometime in May or June to my bros hotel and get a spa treatment. Kickass. So I'm looking forward to that. I'd like to go on trips and do a bunch of fun stuff if possible since I won't be taking a class then anymore. So I need to live it up before I begin my summer classes toward the end of June.