
Mar 03, 2008 12:03

So I think I'm getting sick. So that pretty much sucks. I don't have off until Thursday so I feel like I can't recoup. But I guess since I am not taking classes I can just try to relax while I am not at work. Stinky Stinky Stinky.

Well month end of February I spent a significant amount less money because I did not have a lot of the expenses, such as my rent I previously paid for and things. My income did not go up however because there were a couple of weeks in which I only worked 20 hrs... so there was half a paycheck right there. Since I'm doing night audit now 3 nights a week for a while I am guaranteed 40 hrs a week, so that is nice. My pay checks will finally look normal again. Although that seems to be getting better, I really want a new job. I haven't heard anything from the places where I have had interviews. I've got my Roberts application in and I need to send in my essay, which is just about done and needs editing, then I need to have people send in my letters of recommendation sent in and work on my other applications, get those sent in and then I can refocus on getting a new job. My luck I won't find anything until I go back to school in the fall. It is really depressing and shows that I'm just not good enough to be wanted for a job.
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