so unless that is a joke, christopher walken is gonna run for president in 2008. hahaha, i might reenlist if he's gonna be commander in chief.
just got back from the jungle, the Central Training Area, as its called here on Okinawa. busted our asses for 3 days in a mini field excercise. three marines went down from the heat. all of them were from Comm...pffft...comm bitches. despite the heat, there were some really great views to be had on some of the hilltops. the hills of Central Okinawa are quite breathtaking. it absolutely poured rain on us last night for about an hour or two, luckily i brought a fresh set of cammies and boots to put on the next morning, after a satisfying and comfortable 2 hour sleep in the back of a 7 ton.
so, Matt was home apparently? damn, i wish i had been around, that would have been fun. maybe i'll be back around thanksgiving though, like i said, no promises. id love to see my grandparents. and as much as i love asian foods, a straight up pot roast, or some kind of pea soup, or something else hearty and new englandy would be really great.
mark, i saw that post with the french in it. heh heh, french class. that was pretty fun. Mr. Riggeri was/is a pimp. he gives my ex-girlfriend crap all the time. hahaha, marines looking out for each other or something i guess.
damn, hydration is paramount, as the sun and jungle sucked most of my moisture out today. it was more humid than thailand, but not as straight up hot.
mmm, time to hydrate and get a little sleep.