Hello! It's me again. Perhaps you recognize me from my avatar or my user name. I haven't been around much, for obvious reasons, *cough*Wordpress*cough*, but I do give LJ more than the occasional visit. Mostly because some of my friends are still here, and also because most of my life is documented here. And I can't seem to bring myself to leave LJ completely. After all, I have a permanent account, mind you, that cost me $150 back in the days, when I believed the LJ's reign would never end. How wrong I was. But here we are still! Well, some of us...
One fabulous tradition, that I hope never ends, is that we all come together and sum up our years as they were with a few memes. Even though I've not been writing much this year, I still intend to keep this tradition alive and well, thus giving me a lovely reason to return here. (Except for peeking into your lives.) So, here we are, my year in review! But this time, the sentences will come from my Swedish blog
Anna bloggar. I hope you don't mind!
January: Jag börjar känna av den nu.
February: Här är det färdiga resultatet av min WIP-bild som jag postade för 3 veckor sen.
March: Idag är första dagen som jag varit ute på en vecka.
April: Blev bjuden till en morgon på Sturebadet av en vän.
May: Det var längesen jag bloggade.
June: Idag var dagen.
July: Jag vill så gärna göra nåt vettigt med min tid.
August: Klockan ringde kl 6.
September: Det fanns en tid när jag lade ner flera timmar i veckan, ibland om dagen, på att blogga.
October: Loreen, Loreen, du är så fin…
November: Tänkte blogga.
December: Känner mig så himla trött men än är det ett tag kvar innan det är sängdags.
Apparently I've had lots of angst regarding my blogging, or the lack of. :P Perhaps next year will change that!
From 2011