As usual, I'm at my parents' writing this. I will be staying here for about a week.
The good news is, that I got my modem today! Still have to pick it up at the post-office though, but still - I will have internet at my place any day now!
So, why am I not at home fixing it you might ask. Here's why.
Friday: my day off. Laundry day, grocery shopping day, whatever. Had some garbage that I needed to throw out, but also some shirts that I had forgot to take to the laundry room. Figured I'd take it all in one go, so I didn't have to run up and down the 2 stairs in my building so much. So, I'm making my way down the first stair when suddenly I find myself sitting on the floor.
Yup. I fell in the stairs. And, I twisted my right foot, thus sprained my ankle. It bent underneath me as I fell. It was the most bizarre feeling. I'll never forget it. The last step is slightly broken, and that's where I caught my foot, since I had so many things to carry I didn't really see it. Also, I thought I had reached the bottom of the stair case. The ironic things is, before I fell, I thought "I have one more step to go" but it was too late of course.
So, shocked and hurt, the first thing I did was checking my foot to see if anything was broken. Luckily it wasn't. I made my way (somehow) with all the crap to carry up the stairs again and got into my apartment where I called my mother and started crying.
It wasn't so much the pain, it was the complete shock of it all. I just never thought that I'd fall like that. I had this overwhelming feeling of being completely pathetic and lonely. My mother decided to come over and help me, which was good. I have no idea how I would've managed otherwise.
Saturday: my dad drives me to the hospital. I have 2 x-ray sessions for my foot and they come to the conclusion that a piece of bone has gotten "ripped off" (it's not a crack in the bone, but something similar) and they brand it as "a very serious sprain". Oh goodie. Also, I've become "sjukskriven" for two weeks. I don't even wanna think about what this is gonna do to my salary. >_<
Now I have an air-cast for support and crutches to help me walk, but my parents felt that it would be better for me to be here with them, so they can help me with things much easier.
So, that pretty much explains why I'm gonna stay here for about a week.
The first couple of days I felt really down. I've been blaming myself for being so terribly stupid, wanting to carry many things at once, when I could've just been running up and down twice and not get a sprained ankle. So, this sucks. I can't put any real pressure on my right foot, but I'll try to start walking this week, with the help of my mom, who (lucky me) is free from work for 5 weeks now.
I hope I will be almost as good as new until March 24th, when I will have some of you over at my new place. But things like this do tend to take a long time so...
Oki, moving on!
I've completed Tales of the Abyss - finally. What a great game it is. ♥
Now I've started gaming Rogue Galaxy - 18/19 hours in two days so far! W00t! But now that I'm here, I'll be playing Twilight Princess (on GameCube though) instead. Heh, now that I can't go to work, I can at least make the most of my time and game my ass off. XP
Oki, I'm sensing this is an extremely boring post. Maybe I'll have something more exciting to write about later. Toodles!