Cleaning day

Jan 27, 2007 22:40

Today me and my mom went to the apartment to clean. And I mean really clean. It took us 6 hours, but boy does it look great now! :D Only thing left is to clean inside my cabinets and wardrobes. Oh, it's so comfy and warm in my apartment. Sadly enough, it won't be entirely ready for a few months or more. There are some particular things that I need for my apartment, that I can't afford, so I have to buy one thing a month. Today I bought lamps from IKEA, it cost 832 SEK. >_< WTF? I thought it was supposed to be cheap dammit! And, I forgot to bring my camera today. -_- Frick! I'll go there tomorrow too, so I'll definitely bring it then.

And about having a small "inflyttnings-knytkalas"... it doesn't seem like I have time until week 12, that is 24th-25th of March. O_o Here's how it is:

Saturday week 5: the actual moving in
Sunday week 5: working from 9.45 AM - 10 PM
Saturday and Sunday week 6: first free weekend of mine in AGES, meaning I have to game a whole lot to finish a review that's already been pushed forward.
Saturday and Sunday week 7: work.
Saturday week 8: going to my parents' to pack the rest of my stuff that I didn't bring with me in November.
Sunday week 8: bring all of my stuff to my new place.
Saturday and Sunday week 9: work.
Saturday week 10: free - but that weekend is destroyed by a meeting at work on Sunday night, so that means I wanna have my Saturday to myself.
Saturday and Sunday week 11: work.
Leaving Saturday and Sunday week 12: FREE!!!!

So yeah, that's the first window I'll have for friends coming to my new apartment, so that post I was writing about me wishing for cheap stuff, you can forget about that, cause I'll have gotten those things by then. It's the expensive stuff that has to wait. :(

Anyways, in a way it's good to be this early with an invitation. I guess now more people can come if they have a heads up. So how about Saturday the 24th of March? Say 12-ish? Those of you who are interested - RSVP before February 28th. (And if you can't or won't come, please let me know then too.)


I might call Tele2 tomorrow telling them to send me a CD so I can get online through a regular modem. They actually offered me one, so that I can surf some before I get my broadband working, but I declined. (I was thinking how expensive it is to sit on a 56K dial-up modem.) Then again, if I'm just checking emails and paying bills and such, then I'll just do that in the evening and just be online for a short while. No downloads or anything. So, maybe I won't be away for a month? We'll see.

OMG, I'm so tired, my back and my feet hurts. But it was so much fun cleaning. Me and my mom did an outstanding job today, I am so proud of us. (I love my mommy. ♥) Anywho, sorry about the lack of pictures today, I will have them for you tomorrow!

My throat has been hurting ever since yesterday. :( This is bad, I can't afford to be sick. But who's sick? I'm not sick, who said I was? I don't get sick. Damn right.

family, fixing, apartment, planning

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