April fool's from mother nature

Apr 01, 2008 09:40

Spring is here and oh look! A fresh batch of snow and slush has fallen! Yay! And look, I ran out of windshield wiper fluid on LONG drive to work....yeah, I was the crazy person with a mud soaked windshield still doing 70 on Hwy 52. Go me!

And my shoes and socks are wet from the walk through the ankle deep slush in the parking lot. Woohoo!!!

On another note...I can't help but giggle at the folks getting their panties all up in roar over the dude who rick rolled the Twins Cities community. LOL Some folks seriously need to lighten up.

DUDE!! Baseball is back and the Twinks had one hell of a night! Nice to see Hunter get the love from the fans...even better to see him go 0-4! Hats off to Hernandez, Gomez and Nathan...nice way to start the season. Still, wtf was Monroe doing hitting DH and not Kubel???

Today is gonna be a good day :)
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