Well then, I'll wait for it eagerly. I guess so. He said that I shouldn't buy a present for him because I didn't need to, but I'll bought him one anyway. [he let out a small chuckle]
Yes, that's the main thing. You too, ja? I'll keep in touch. [he can't say that he's unhappy, either! still blushing like mad]
[[ooc: sorry it took me so long, internet lagging. I guess it had something to do with the damn weather.]]
Visiting will be nice, but if you couldn't, that's fine. Maybe I'm going to try to send you some photos. My brother said in his latest letter that he managed to get a Muggle camera.
[[ooc: thanks ♥ yes, it is~! and it affects the connection D:]]
Well, you're more than welcome to stay at my father's mansion in Oslo. Yes, their pictures don't move. It stayed still and dead, but it's still amazing.
[[ooc: whyyy jealous D: the cold woke me up this morning and I couldn't sleep again~ and yeah, it kills my connection. damn.]]
Have fun during the holidays.
You have fun, too. I've considered to stay in the castle, but my mother won't let me. And I know that it's too early but...god jul, merry Christmas.
[he got you a present, too, but he figured out that it's too early to give it you, so he's going to mail it]
Oh, and...
I hope you liked it.
[it was an enchanted stuffed bunny.]
[[ooc: strikes are hackable~]]
I'll miss you seeing you around, Sveinn.
[ooc: Strike also hackable!]
[hacked~] I'll...miss you too. I'll return there after the break, don't worry. [blush blush blush and getting embarrassed]
Yes, that's the main thing. You too, ja? I'll keep in touch. [he can't say that he's unhappy, either! still blushing like mad]
[[ooc: sorry it took me so long, internet lagging. I guess it had something to do with the damn weather.]]
Good. So will I! Maybe I'll find some way to visit or something.
[ooc: Don't worry about it. ♥ Is it snowing where you are?]
Visiting will be nice, but if you couldn't, that's fine. Maybe I'm going to try to send you some photos. My brother said in his latest letter that he managed to get a Muggle camera.
[[ooc: thanks ♥ yes, it is~! and it affects the connection D:]]
[ooc: Oh, man, I'm so jealous, even if it kills your connection!]
[[ooc: whyyy jealous D: the cold woke me up this morning and I couldn't sleep again~ and yeah, it kills my connection. damn.]]
Muggles are really interesting. I'd love to see the pictures!
[ooc: I'm in Hawaii! I've never seen snow in my life.]
I think so, too! That's why I took the Muggle Studies class. But my parents disliked them. I'll take them once I get in Oslo.
[[ooc: Hawaii? so hot o.O ahahaha they're pretty. but too much of them is agitating.]]
Oh... that's too bad. I find them fascinating. Daddy wasn't really interested in them, either.
[ooc: Hahaha, yeaaah. I imagine! ]
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