Disregard the journal title; the original bonus pic file screwed when I saved and photobucket crashed when I was uploading both haha;;
Title: Yankee Nordics
narcomanicRating: G/PG?
Warnings: Fail art
Summary: The Nordics decked out in Japanese-style yakuza/yankee outfits.
Notes: Was not the original prompt nor original art. I was going to have a comic about Finland and gift giving but my lineart disappeared last night /CRIES I was so butthurt I did a different prompt you asked for ;A; Hence why it's late...
For Higher res click here ->
XxDemonBBxX.deviantArt BONUS; Which was the first thing I did when I thought about doing one of your other prompts...
W-who really thought I was claiming this as my own? XD; Edit: Ummmm p.s. This bonus was a joke? I admit I was upset I wasn't pm'd by the member rather than the mod /cries
Image edited is from a manga errr;; Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and obviously I didn't draw it, I mean seriously hahaha
I'm sorry it sucks so bad /SOB <- WAS GESTURING TO MY ART not the manga's art :(