Если кто-то не смотрел старенький, 90-х годов, сериал "Приключения королевского стрелка Шарпа" по произведениям Бернарда Корнуэлла - рекомендую. Лично я его недавно смаковал в очередной раз.
Сериал состоит из 16 серий более чем на 1.5 часа (14 из них - компания Веллингтона против Наполеона и 2 - индийская компания англичан). В главной роли - великолепный Шон Бин (Актер с большой буквы).
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Также в сериале звучит отличная композиция на стихи John Tams (честное слово, если бы нечто похожее было гимном моей страны - я бы вставал и пел).
Here's fourteen shillings on the drum
For those who'll volunteer to come
To list and fight the foe today
Over the hills and far away
O'er the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away
When duty calls me I must go
To stand and face another foe
To the battle we will always stray
Over the hills and far away
O'er the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away
So fall in lads behind the drum
With Colours blazing like the sun
Along the road to come-what-may
Over the hills and far away
O'er the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away
If I should fall to rise no more
As many comrades did before
Ask the pipes and drums to play
Over the hills and far away
O'er the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away.
Then fall in lads behind the drum,
With colours blazing like the sun.
Along the road to come-what may.
Over the hills and far away.
O'er the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away